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On-demand Webinar

Adjusting IT in Times of Crisis: Virtualize Your Organization, Academic Healthcare Institution, University, or Government Enterprise Now

  • espinosa-1
    Kim Espinosa

    Director of Sales and Business Development Azure Cloud Services

  • dean-1
    Tim Dean

    Cloud Solution Architect at NetApp

  • Mike-walsh_profile-1-1-1-1
    Mike Walsh

    Vice President of Product Strategy at CloudJumper

As all areas of government are feeling the effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis currently sweeping the globe, massive closures of academic healthcare institutions, universities, and government offices are becoming commonplace as leaders seek slow the impact.

These shutdowns change the way researchers, academics, and public servants continue their work as they now must work remotely. Academic institutions and government enterprises face a struggle to keep their employees safe while continuing to provide access to their workforce for research or providing services to communities. They must find new methods of access, such as secure virtual working environments, that can be spun up and rapidly implemented.

Watch this new on-demand webinar from Microsoft, NetApp, and CloudJumper to learn about an effective solution to help you quickly deploy highly secure virtual desktops using new services only recently available in the Azure Cloud and now ready for HIPAA.

Watch the Webinar