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April 3, 2019
Topics: 3 minute read
Consider this scenario: One of your critical enterprise applications has come to a grinding halt. Your team is trying to figure out whether the enterprise application ran out of assigned storage, lacks compute capability, or has networking errors. At times like this, you wish your enterprise applications were running fully managed in the cloud.
You would not be alone in that desire. According to Forbes, by next year, 83% of enterprise applications will be in the cloud.¹ And within the next 3 years, almost 50% of organizations plan to migrate to the cloud for disaster recovery and for high availability.² Moving to the cloud can strengthen your application performance by maximizing availability, by improving data protection, and by reducing recovery times. It can also help you improve flexibility and elasticity, reduce operational complexity by using a fully managed service, and improve your end-customer and developer experience.
Moving to the cloud can also be challenging, but NetApp®Cloud Volumes Service for Google Cloud Platform can make your transition quick and easy.
Challenges in Moving Enterprise Applications to the Cloud
Enterprise applications are typically configured with an application server layer, a middleware layer, and a data layer. The data layer has a structured database component and an unstructured file-based component that contains all the files that are shared among the various applications. When you transition to the cloud, you have to move all these components together.
Moving the data layer components to an object store in the cloud can present challenges, because data layers often have very stringent requirements. These requirements include having a POSIX interface, high availability, high performance, and data protection. If you move applications with these requirements to a standard cloud structure, often you have to rearchitect the applications, which could take months of development time.
Simplify Enterprise Application Lift and Shift to Google Cloud
With NetApp Cloud Volumes Service for Google Cloud Platform, you can migrate your existing enterprise applications to Google Cloud up to 10 times faster than if you develop a new application. This fully managed, POSIX-compliant, highly available file service delivers complete integration with file directory metadata, helping you maintain your domain credentials, access and authentication, and group memberships.
The fully managed NetApp service is delivered through Google, and Google also provides the account and technical support that you get. But you still maintain control. You can dynamically adjust performance levels based on the needs of your workload. As an example, 100TB of high-performance file storage in the cloud can be made available to you in just a few seconds. With a simple API call or click of a button, you can later reduce costs by lowering the performance level that you need, without the time that it usually takes to move that data.
With Cloud Volumes Service for Google Cloud Platform, you get high reliability through industry-leading, enterprise-class hardware and software. Access management with read/write permissions helps deliver self-service, reducing your maintenance time while you maintain control and security. NetApp Snapshot™ copies, rapid copies, and easy replication help deliver high application availability, so you no longer have to wait for hours like you do with traditional backup services.
Focus on Driving Your Business
Get started today. Simplify operations and bolster your enterprise application performance so that you can focus your time and effort on driving your business forward instead of on managing your applications. To learn more about NetApp Cloud Volumes Service for Google Cloud Platform, download our new e-book, Accelerate Enterprise Application Lift and Shift to Google Cloud. If you want to see Cloud Volumes Service for Google Cloud Platform in action, go to to request a demonstration.
¹ L. Columbus, 83% of Enterprise Workloads Will Be in the Cloud by 2020, Forbes, January 7,
² L. Columbus, State of Enterprise Cloud Computing, 2018, Forbes, August 30, 2018.