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November 20, 2019
Topics: Cloud Volumes ONTAP Google CloudAdvanced2 minute read
NetApp and Google have announced the General Availability of Cloud Volumes ONTAP (CVO) on all Google Cloud regions. Actually, this isn’t a new offering. It’s the same Cloud Volumes ONTAP that enterprises have been using on AWS and Azure for years. Besides the fact that It’s now supported on all three major cloud computing platforms, there is something else about this announcement that can make IT managers’ lives a lot simpler. Keep reading to learn why.
Google Cloud Platform is very appealing for developers due to their focus on containerization and their advanced AI and ML offerings. Developers can easily, and independently spin-up a “virtual data center” on the cloud. While this kind of agility is undoubtedly beneficial for the company, it can also lead to undesirable results if not managed correctly. Traditionally, developers have relied on IT for compute and storage provisioning, but IT didn’t only provision resources, they also made sure that the persistent data stored by applications and databases will always be kept secure, protected and scaled correctly. This is something many developers are less likely to be diligent about about when building their own “virtual cloud data centers”. But what happens when important data that the developers placed on the cloud is accidentally deleted? Or encrypted by ransomware? Will this still be considered an “IT issue”? Clearly this scenario needs to be avoided.
The good news is that Cloud Volumes ONTAP (CVO) gives you a simple way to eliminate this problem. CVO lets you create a protected IT environment that runs within your Google Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). With CVO, IT teams can enforce enterprise-grade resiliency, security and compliance for all of the data stored within their VPC, while gaining cloud flexibility and agility. With CVO you can provision “IT-approved” file and block storage volumes for development and production data. This way, developers can still consume cloud storage with ease, but with the added value of having enterprise-grade data protection and resiliency features built-in.
And that’s only one of the many benefits you can get with CVO on Google Cloud. Here are some of the others:
- CVO lets you move workloads to Google Cloud from anywhere without refactoring and without rewriting security and compliance policies
- CVO lets you go beyond the 257TB block storage limit for a GCE instance letting you reach up to 368TB per instance
- CVO lets you provision instant persistent storage for your Anthos and Kubernetes clusters with enterprise-grade data management and protection
- CVO optimizes your cloud storage costs by around 70% making it effectively better than free – Check out our TCO calculator to see how much costs you can save on with CVO on Google Cloud