Kubernetes has revolutionized container workload orchestration and is undoubtedly the most popular container management platform in the cloud. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) delivers Kubernetes as a managed service in Azure, from provisioning the underlying Kubernetes storage to deploying your cluster.
AKS helps customers to focus on developing and deploying their applications, while the control plane of Kubernetes is managed by the platform. AKS also provides the flexibility of leveraging the container ecosystem in Azure to enable scalability of workloads. AKS can be integrated with Azure Container Instances (ACI) to rapidly scale the pods in a cluster without deploying additional nodes.
This blog will explain how to deploy AKS, and then provide an Azure Kubernetes Service tutorial on how to integrate AKS with ACI and use it as a logical extension of the Azure Kubernetes cluster for scalability.
Get started with the Azure Kubernetes Service tutorial with the links below:
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a managed Kubernetes service that runs on Azure resources. With the managed Kubernetes model in AKS, there is a clear distinction between the control plane and the nodes where the workloads run. The control plane is abstracted from the user, and it runs core Kubernetes components, such as the API Server, scheduler, and controller manager. The configuration and management of the control plane and operational aspects like upgrades and high availability are managed by the platform. The visibility to the control plane is only through logs accessible via Azure Monitor.
The workloads are deployed in Kubernetes nodes that host the node components and container runtime. The “kubelet” service intercepts the messages from the control plane and schedules containers in available nodes. The nodes also run the “kube-proxy” service for network connectivity and IP address management. Customers have the flexibility to configure the CPU, memory, and the storage used by the nodes based on their application requirements.
The benefit of using AKS mostly lies in the ecosystem of supporting services in Azure that can be easily integrated with your cluster. Some of the key features of AKS include:
AKS offers scalability to your workloads, where the compute resources available for containers can be increased or decreased on demand. There are some different options available for scaling. Customers can manually scale applications by defining the number of pods or nodes to be used. Horizontal scaling can be achieved through pod autoscaler that increases the number of replicas based on defined metrics or by increasing the node count through cluster autoscaler. Deployment of additional nodes for scaling the cluster might take some time, and Azure Container Instances can be leveraged here for rapid scaling.
Azure Container Instances (ACI) is a serverless container hosting service that enables customers to run containerized applications in Azure without having to deploy or manage VMs, effectively offering start up times in seconds. ACI acts as a virtual extension of the AKS cluster where you can securely deploy your container workloads. The process uses Virtual Kubelet implementation that helps to leverage serverless container hosting services to extend Kubernetes service. The implementation of Virtual Kubelet for AKS is called Virtual nodes add-on. The service requires the AKS cluster to be created with advanced networking, i.e., Azure Container Networking Interface (Azure CNI). Virtual nodes act as the bridge that enables communication between pods in AKS and the pods deployed in ACI for scalability.
In this Azure Kubernetes Service tutorial we will show you how you can create an AKS cluster and scale it to ACI through a few simple steps.
Before you can begin the Azure Kubernetes Service tutorial, there are a few prerequisites to have in order first. The AZ CLI commands in this guide can be run from Cloud Shell or after installing Azure CLI. You will also need contributor access to create both the AKS cluster and the resource group. To enable the integration, your ACI provider should be registered in the subscription. This can be checked using the following command. The status should be shown as “Registered”:
$az provider list --query
"[?contains(namespace,'Microsoft.ContainerInstance')]" -o table
If the provider is not registered, then the provider can be registered with the following command:
$az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerInstance
In this section of the Azure Kubernetes Service tutorial, we’ll show you how to set up the AKS deployment itself.
az group create --name <resource group name> --location <Azure region>
Replace the highlighted values with the name of the resource group and Azure region where you want to deploy the resource group. Below you can see a sample command to show you how this will look:
az group create --name AKSResourceGroup --location westus
az network vnet create \
--resource-group <resource group name> \
--name <VNet name> \
--address-prefixes <VNet address space> \
--subnet-name <Subnet Name> \
--subnet-prefix <Subnet address space>
Replace the highlighted values with the following, in order:
To get a better idea of what this will look like when you’re done, check out this sample command:
--resource-group AKSResourceGroup \
--name AKSVnet \
--subnet-name myAKSSubnet \
az ad sp create-for-rbac --skip-assignment
Using this command, you can get the virtual network id:
az network vnet show --resource-group AKSResourceGroup --name AKSVnet --query id -o tsv
az role assignment create --assignee <appId> --scope <vnetId> --role Contributor
Replace appid with the id of the service principal created in step 3 and vnetId with the value from step 4.
az network vnet subnet show --resource-group
AKSResourceGroup --vnet-name myVnet --name myAKSSubnet --query id -o tsv
az aks create \
--resource-group AKSResourceGroup \
--name AKSTestCluster \
--node-count 1 \
--network-plugin azure \
--service-cidr \
--dns-service-ip \
--docker-bridge-address \
--vnet-subnet-id <subnetId> \
--service-principal <appId> \ \
--client-secret <password>
Replace the highlighted values with the following, in order:
Once deployment is completed, the provisioning status will be shown as “Succeeded” in the output field.
In this section we’ll show you how to enable your virtual nodes in AKS. These nodes will help to scale your AKS cluster with ACI.
az network vnet subnet create \
--resource-group\ <resource group name> \
--vnet-name <VNet name> \
--name <Virtual node subnet> \
--address-prefixes <Subnet address space>
Replace the highlighted values with the following, in order:
You can see how all this will look when complete in this sample command below:
az network vnet subnet create \
--resource-group AKSResourceGroup \
--vnet-name AKSVnet \
--name VirtualNodeSubnet \
az aks enable-addons \
--resource-group AKSResourceGroup \
--name AKSTestCluster \
--addons virtual-node \
--subnet-name VirtualNodeSubnet
$az aks get-credentials --resource-group AKSResourceGroup --name AKSTestCluster
$kubectl get nodes
You can see that the virtual node for the AKS cluster is also listed as virtual-node-aci-linux.
In this step we will show you how to deploy a sample application to the ACI instance that is integrated to your AKS cluster for scaling.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: aci-demo
replicas: 1
app: aci-demo
app: aci-demo
- name: aci-demo
image: mcr.microsoft.com/azuredocs/aci-helloworld
- containerPort: 80
kubernetes.io/role: agent
beta.kubernetes.io/os: linux
type: virtual-kubelet
- key: virtual-kubelet.io/provider
operator: Exists
- key: azure.com/aci
effect: NoSchedule
* Note that the colored sections above for nodeSelector and tolerations define that the container should be deployed to ACI.
$kubectl apply -f aci.yaml
$kubectl get pods -o wide
Congrats, you’re done! You can see that the pod is now deployed in the virtual-node-aci-linux node.
Scaling up Azure Kubernetes Service using ACI helps meet your application requirements without having to pay for additional VM running costs. Managing persistent storage for pods in your AKS cluster is another key design aspect while planning for your containerized workloads. But there are some other ways to do this.
Cloud Volumes ONTAP, along with other native container ecosystem services such as Azure Container Instances and Azure Container Registry complements the container orchestration capabilities delivered by AKS.
Cloud Volumes ONTAP is an enterprise class storage management solution that augments the features of Azure storage while connected to pods in AKS for persistent storage. In the backend, dynamic Kubernetes storage provisioning is carried out by NetApp Trident using Cloud Volumes ONTAP to allocate Azure disk storage as persistent volumes.
Cloud Volumes ONTAP also provides additional features for your containerized workloads on AKS. Storage efficiency features such as thin provisioning, deduplication, and compression reduce total storage footprint and cost by up to 70%. Using FlexClone® technology, Cloud Volumes ONTAP creates writable clones of persistent data that reduce the costs and increase the speed of CI/CD pipelines. Data protection with application-aware NetApp Snapshot™ copies makes point-in-time recovery in the event of data loss of corruption possible. With the Cloud Volumes ONTAP High Availability configuration, you can go a step further to guaranteeing business continuity by deploying data copies across availability zones, ensuring zero data loss and minimal downtime in outages.