When building out a development or test environment, flexibility is at the core of why the cloud has become so popular for enterprises today.With NetApp® Cloud Volumes ONTAP (formerly ONTAP Cloud), you can take advantage of the flexibility of AWS and Azure compute while also gaining enterprise-class storage and data management features that minimize the resources you’d normally consume, as well as enhance your ability to scale.
2. Cost Efficiencies: Minimize cloud storage footprint with snapshots, thin provisioning, deduplication, compression, and NetApp's FlexClone® technology.
NetApp’s Cloud Volumes ONTAP enables your Test and Development operations to achieve cloud computing efficiency now… just like they do on premises.
Take full advantage of your on-premise features, but now in the cloud. This enables you to test fast, enhance fast, fail fast, and more importantly…SUCCEED fast.
1. Keep the successes in the cloud on other Cloud Volumes ONTAP instances
2. Move the new data / applications back on premises quickly and easily with SnapMirror to keep production processing in house
3. Or go Hybrid with NetApp Private Storage (NPS). This is where you can take full advantage of your data being next to the public cloud, but not in it for increased performance, scalability, and control over your data.
If there is one key NetApp technology that every Test and Development shop should use, it’s FlexClone®. With FlexClone® technology, you can create a golden (clone) image, and deploy all your workloads off of clones without expanding your storage footprint.
Along with storage resource efficiency, each of these clones can be created instantaneously. This allows you to rapidly build out hundreds of environments in minutes, versus traditional solutions that sometimes take weeks or more… not to mention the numerous (and costly) copies of storage they will require.
In addition to achieving test and development efficiency in the cloud, watch the on-demand webinar here to learn how to reach cost savings and flexibility in the cloud.
Want to get started? Try out Cloud Volumes ONTAP today with a 30-day free trial.